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SCORM, or Sharable Content Object Reference Model, is a widely adopted standard in the world of e-learning.


Nouveau module de feedback de scormPROXY. Comment ça fonctionne ?

Le nouveau Module de Feedback de scormPROXY vous permet de collecter des informations auprès des utilisateurs finaux (apprenants) qui accèdent à vos contenus : Demandez à l’utilisateur qui accède à vos contenus de fournir son adresse e-mail afin de pouvoir effectuer un suivi plus personnalisé de ces utilisateurs (par exemple, envoyer un certificat de fin de formation personnalisé). Demandez à l’utilisateur qui a complété un contenu de donner son avis sur celui-ci. Vous pouvez demander une note (de 1 à 5), un court commentaire, ou les deux.   Toutes ces informations sont collectées dans scormPROXY et peuvent être consultées via le rapport d’évaluations.   Comment configurer le Module de Feedback ?   Accédez à la section “Clients” et sélectionnez un client dans la liste (cela peut être un client avec LMS, sans LMS ou invité par e-mail).   Pour attribuer des licences à de nouveaux produits pour ce client, cliquez sur le bouton “Ajouter des licences”.     Dans la boîte de dialogue d’ajout de licences, en bas à droite, vous trouverez les paramètres pour le Module de Feedback :     Si vous souhaitez demander l’e-mail de l’utilisateur, sélectionnez l’une des options disponibles dans le menu déroulant “Demander l’e-mail à l’apprenant…”. Cochez la case “Obligatoire” si vous souhaitez forcer l’utilisateur à entrer son e-mail pour continuer. Pour demander une évaluation de l’utilisateur, activez les cases correspondantes sous la section “À la fin du contenu…”.   Pour modifier les paramètres de Feedback pour des licences déjà attribuées, sélectionnez une licence et cliquez sur le bouton “Modifier”. Dans la boîte de dialogue qui s’affiche, vous pourrez ajuster les options de Feedback :     Dans la liste des licences attribuées par client, vous pouvez voir une série d’icônes dans la colonne “Feedback” indiquant les options de Feedback activées (demande d’e-mail, demande d’évaluation et demande de commentaires, respectivement).       Comment consulter les évaluations et commentaires reçus ?   Accédez à la section principale “Rapports”, puis allez au rapport “Évaluations”.   Dans ce rapport, vous pouvez consulter toutes les évaluations reçues pour vos contenus, avec la possibilité de filtrer par période, client ou cours.   Il est également possible d’exporter ce rapport vers Excel pour le partager ou l’archiver.   Combien coûte le Module de Feedback ?   Le plan STANDARD du Module de Feedback de scormPROXY est gratuit et inclus par défaut dans tous les comptes scormPROXY. La seule limitation de ce plan est qu’il permet de recevoir un maximum de 5 000 commentaires des utilisateurs finaux. Si vous souhaitez augmenter cette limite pour recevoir plus de commentaires, vous pouvez opter pour l’un des plans avancés du Module de Feedback :   Plan Limites Tarif STANDARD 5 000 commentaires Gratuit PRO 25 000 commentaires 50€/mois ADVANCED 100 000 commentaires 125€/mois ENTERPRISE 500 000 commentaires 250€/mois


New scormPROXY Feedback Module. How does it work?

The new Feedback Module of scormPROXY allows you to collect information from end users (students) who access your content: Request the user accessing your content to provide their email address to enable more personalized follow-up with those users (e.g., sending a personalized completion certificate). Ask the user who has completed content to provide feedback on it. You can request a rating (from 1 to 5), a brief comment, or both.   All this information is collected in scormPROXY and can be reviewed through the ratings report.   How to configure the Feedback Module?   Go to the “Clients” section and select a client from the list (this could be a client with LMS, without LMS, or invited by email).   To assign licenses for new products to this client, click the “Add licenses” button.     In the license addition dialog, at the bottom right, you will find the settings for the Feedback Module:     If you wish to request the user’s email, select one of the available options in the “Request student email…” dropdown. Enable the “Make mandatory” checkbox if you want to force the user to enter their email to proceed. To request user feedback, enable the corresponding checkboxes under the “Upon content completion…” section.   To modify Feedback settings for already assigned licenses, select a license and click the “Modify” button. In the dialog that appears, you can adjust the Feedback options:     In the list of licenses assigned per client, you can see a series of icons in the “Feedback” column indicating which Feedback options are enabled (request email, request rating, and request comments, respectively).       How to review received ratings and comments?   Go to the main “Reports” section and then navigate to the “Ratings” report.   In this report, you can review all the ratings you’ve received for your content, filtering by time period, client, or course.   You can also export this report to Excel for sharing or archiving purposes.   How much does the Feedback Module cost?   The STANDARD plan of the scormPROXY Feedback Module is free and comes included by default in all scormPROXY accounts. The only limitation of this plan is that it allows receiving a maximum of 5,000 user comments. If you are interested in increasing this limit to receive more feedback, you can opt for one of the advanced Feedback Module plans:   Plan Limits Fee STANDARD 5,000 comments Free PRO 25,000 comments €50/month ADVANCED 100,000 comments €125/month ENTERPRISE 500,000 comments €250/month

Articles, e-Learning Trends, LMS, SCORM

The Challenges of Managing Content Across Multiple LMS Platforms in Large Enterprises

The Challenges of Managing Content Across Multiple LMS Platforms in Large Enterprises   In today’s digital age, Learning Management Systems (LMS) are critical tools for corporate training and professional development. Large enterprises often find themselves dealing with multiple LMS platforms due to mergers, acquisitions, regional differences, or department-specific needs. While these systems are crucial for delivering educational content and tracking employee progress, having multiple LMS platforms introduces significant challenges for content management, distribution, and monitoring. This article explores the challenges faced by large enterprises in managing, storing, and distributing content across various LMS platforms. We will also look at how scormPROXY can effectively address these issues, providing a unified solution to streamline content management and improve overall training outcomes. Challenges of Managing Multiple LMS Platforms Large enterprises with multiple LMS platforms face a series of interconnected challenges that affect efficiency, employee experience, and overall performance. Below are some of the key challenges: 1. Lack of Centralization and Unified Management One of the most significant issues faced by companies with multiple LMS platforms is the lack of centralization. Each LMS operates independently, which leads to content silos, making it challenging for training managers to get a complete view of the available training materials. This fragmentation results in: Inconsistent Learning Experiences: Employees across the organization may not have access to the same training resources, resulting in uneven knowledge and skills across departments. Duplication of Effort: Training teams often need to upload, update, and manage the same content in multiple LMS platforms, leading to duplicated work and increased administrative overhead.   2. Difficulty in Updating and Synchronizing Content Another major challenge is the complexity of keeping content updated across different LMS platforms. Enterprises often need to update their training materials due to changing regulations, new products, or changes in internal procedures. With multiple LMS platforms, updating content becomes a labor-intensive task: Manual Updates: The training team must manually update content across each LMS, leading to potential inconsistencies and outdated information. Version Control Issues: Without a centralized system, version control becomes a nightmare. Some platforms might have updated materials, while others are still hosting outdated versions, causing confusion and ineffective training.   3. Lack of Unified Tracking and Reporting Tracking learner progress and generating reports is crucial for measuring the success of training programs. When multiple LMS platforms are involved, gaining a holistic view of employee learning becomes nearly impossible: Fragmented Tracking Data: Different LMS platforms store data separately, making it difficult to track the overall progress of an employee across all platforms. Complex Reporting: Generating enterprise-wide reports requires collating data from different LMS systems, often involving manual data processing and the risk of errors.   4. Limited Ability to Share Content with Third Parties In many cases, organizations need to share training content with external partners, such as vendors, contractors, or even customers. With multiple LMS platforms, sharing content externally is challenging: Inconsistent Access: Different LMS systems may have different capabilities or restrictions, complicating the process of sharing content with external stakeholders. Increased Licensing Costs: Sharing content externally often requires additional licensing or access rights for multiple platforms, increasing the cost and complexity of training delivery.   Introducing scormPROXY: A Solution to Simplify LMS Management Managing content across multiple LMS platforms doesn’t have to be an insurmountable challenge. scormPROXY offers a practical solution to help large enterprises centralize their content management, streamline content distribution, and provide a consistent learning experience across the board. scormPROXY is an intelligent middleware that acts as a bridge between your content and your LMS platforms. Instead of managing multiple copies of the same content on different LMSs, scormPROXY allows you to maintain one centralized content repository and distribute it seamlessly to multiple LMS platforms. How scormPROXY Solves Content Management Challenges 1. Centralized Content Management With scormPROXY, all your training materials are stored in a single repository. This centralization means: Unified Content Library: Training managers can maintain a single version of each training module and update it as needed, without having to log in to multiple LMS platforms. Efficient Content Distribution: Once content is updated in the central repository, all linked LMS platforms automatically receive the latest version, ensuring consistency across the enterprise. Benefit: Reduced administrative burden and elimination of redundant tasks, allowing the training team to focus on creating impactful learning experiences rather than managing logistics.   2. Simplified Content Updates scormPROXY enables seamless content updates across LMS platforms, addressing the issues of synchronization and version control. Instead of logging into each LMS individually to update content, training managers can make changes once, and those updates automatically propagate to all connected platforms. Automatic Version Control: scormPROXY ensures that only the latest version of a training module is available to employees, minimizing the risks associated with outdated content. Time Savings: The time spent updating content across multiple platforms is drastically reduced, freeing up resources for other training initiatives. Benefit: Increased efficiency and more consistent learning experiences across the organization.   3. Unified Tracking and Reporting scormPROXY provides a unified tracking solution, allowing enterprises to get a complete view of their training activities, regardless of how many LMS platforms they use. Single Point of Data Collection: scormPROXY gathers learner progress and interaction data from all LMS platforms into one centralized dashboard. Training managers can easily track employee progress, monitor completion rates, and identify areas that need improvement. Simplified Reporting: scormPROXY’s built-in reporting capabilities allow for easy generation of enterprise-wide reports, providing insights into the effectiveness of training programs and identifying areas for development. Benefit: Streamlined tracking and reporting, giving organizations a comprehensive view of their training impact without manual data aggregation. Illustration: Dashboard showing unified tracking metrics from various LMS platforms, all consolidated into one view. 4. Easy Content Sharing with External Partners scormPROXY also facilitates content sharing with third parties, such as suppliers, clients, and contractors, by providing a simple and effective distribution method. Web Links Instead of LMS Access: Rather than giving partners direct access to an LMS platform, scormPROXY provides web links that allow external stakeholders

Articles, LMS, SCORM

Understanding the SCORM Cross-Domain Issue in E-Learning

Understanding the SCORM Cross-Domain Issue in E-Learning     Introduction: What is SCORM? SCORM, or Sharable Content Object Reference Model, is a widely adopted standard in the world of e-learning. Developed by the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative, SCORM enables interoperability between e-learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMS). Essentially, SCORM acts as a bridge between e-learning content modules and the LMSs that host them, ensuring that content can be launched, tracked, and shared across platforms seamlessly. The goal of SCORM is to ensure that educational content can be reused across different learning platforms without compatibility issues, which makes it a vital component for organizations that create or distribute digital learning resources. The core strength of SCORM lies in its ability to track the learner’s progress, ensuring that each activity within an online course is recorded properly. This includes data such as the learner’s quiz scores, time spent on each section, and completion status. SCORM helps build a consistent experience, allowing e-learning developers to create dynamic content that interacts well with multiple LMS environments. However, despite its adaptability, SCORM does come with certain challenges, particularly when content is hosted on a different domain from the LMS that launches it. This issue is known as the cross-domain problem.     What is Cross-Domain? The term cross-domain refers to the interaction between web resources that reside on different domains. For example, if an LMS, which is hosted at “https://www.examplelms.com,” attempts to access content hosted at “https://www.examplecontent.com,” this constitutes a cross-domain request. In the context of e-learning, cross-domain requests are common when organizations wish to host SCORM content separately from their LMS for security, performance, or content management reasons. Web browsers, however, implement a security policy called Same-Origin Policy. This policy restricts scripts on a web page from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page. The Same-Origin Policy exists to prevent malicious actions, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), where a script on one site can potentially steal or manipulate information from another. As a result, cross-domain issues arise when a SCORM package hosted on a different domain attempts to communicate with the LMS, causing communication failures between the two systems.     The Problem with SCORM and Cross-Domain SCORM content relies heavily on JavaScript to communicate with the LMS, which poses a challenge when the content and LMS are on separate domains. When SCORM content attempts to establish a communication bridge with the LMS, the browser’s Same-Origin Policy prevents the content from accessing LMS functions, ultimately breaking the intended functionality. The primary issue here is that SCORM-based JavaScript attempts to execute functions like “LMSInitialize()” or “LMSCommit()” across domains, but these functions are blocked by the browser for security reasons. As a result, learners may experience various problems, such as the inability to launch content, tracking errors, and progress that isn’t saved. This issue can create a disjointed user experience and lead to a lot of frustration, both for learners who lose their progress and for content providers who have to deal with technical support and workarounds. Consider a typical scenario in which a company sells SCORM packages to clients who use different LMSs. The content developer might want to host all learning material on their own server for easier updates and maintenance. When a client tries to launch the content from their LMS, the cross-domain policy prevents SCORM from communicating correctly, resulting in errors that undermine the value of the entire learning experience.     How the Cross-Domain Issue Affects E-Learning Content Providers The SCORM cross-domain problem significantly impacts organizations that develop and distribute e-learning content. Many content providers prefer to centralize their content for reasons such as control, security, and simplified updates. If each client’s LMS requires local copies of the SCORM packages, maintaining and updating those copies can become a logistical nightmare, especially when frequent content updates are necessary. 1. Maintenance and Version Control Without a cross-domain solution, content providers are forced to distribute SCORM content to each client, which means they need to track different versions of their content across many LMS installations. This decentralized approach can lead to inconsistencies, outdated content being used, and even legal liabilities if certifications or compliance modules are not updated. 2. Security Concerns Many content providers do not want to hand over their proprietary training content to clients. Hosting the SCORM content on the provider’s server means retaining control over the content and ensuring that only authorized users can access it. However, cross-domain issues prevent this from being easily implemented, forcing content providers to choose between giving up control or dealing with broken functionality. 3. Administrative Overhead Manually updating and supporting different versions of content for each client adds significant administrative burden. It is not only labor-intensive but also prone to errors. A centralized solution is much more efficient, allowing content developers to make updates in one place and have those changes instantly reflected for all clients.   Introducing the Solution: scormPROXY To address the challenges posed by cross-domain restrictions, scormPROXY offers a practical solution that effectively bridges the gap between SCORM content and various LMS platforms, even if they are on different domains. scormPROXY enables content to remain hosted on a separate server from the LMS, without being subject to the same-origin policy restrictions, allowing the SCORM communication to function as intended. scormPROXY functions as an intermediary that facilitates secure communication between SCORM content and the LMS, effectively circumventing the cross-domain limitations imposed by browsers. This enables organizations to centralize their content, maintain version control, and easily distribute learning modules without sacrificing the user experience. The technology behind scormPROXY creates an environment where SCORM content can communicate seamlessly with any LMS, regardless of where the content is hosted. It works by creating a secure bridge that allows data to flow between the LMS and the hosted content without triggering browser security alerts.   How scormPROXY Solves the Cross-Domain Problem   1. Centralized Content Management With scormPROXY, content developers can keep all their SCORM packages on

Articles, LMS, SCORM

How scormPLAYER transforms your CMS into a powerful e-Learning platform

In recent years, online training has seen significant growth, making the need for efficient e-Learning platforms more important than ever. In this context, tools like scormPLAYER have proven key in transforming a conventional CMS (Content Management System) into a powerful online educational platform. We will explore how scormPLAYER achieves this transformation and the features that make this tool a standout choice in the world of eLearning. What is scormPLAYER? scormPLAYER is a SCORM engine that integrates directly into web applications such as CMS, LMS, intranets, and websites, transforming them into SCORM learning platforms. scormPLAYER facilitates the management of e-Learning content, allowing for the import and playback of these materials. It offers functionalities like hosting e-learning content (SCORM 1.2/2004, MP4, MP3, PDF), user license management, content playback, and detailed tracking of user interactions with the content. Additionally, it allows for the distribution of content to external LMS and the generation of detailed usage reports. Who is scormPLAYER for? The scormPLAYER engine is particularly aimed at: Businesses without their own e-Learning platform: For businesses that do not have their own e-learning platform but do have a digital platform (such as a corporate website or an intranet), scormPLAYER offers seamless integration. This allows these companies to provide training and professional development directly through their existing systems, maintaining brand consistency and customizing content to their needs. Developers of commercial e-Learning platforms: For developers managing commercial e-learning platforms, scormPLAYER becomes an effective tool to enrich and expand their course offerings. It facilitates the integration of a wide range of e-learning content and provides advanced management and tracking capabilities, increasing the value and effectiveness of their LMS platforms. Benefits of scormPLAYER Time-saving for developers: It facilitates and speeds up the creation and updating of e-learning platforms. Cloud storage: Minimizes the need for local device space and improves online content access and handling. Centralized content management: Provides a complete system for managing, updating, and monitoring e-learning content. Ease of use and maintenance: Simplifies content management, integrating easily with existing web platforms. Security and compliance with regulations: Ensures data protection, complying with European regulations and using secure servers in Germany. Features of scormPLAYER In this section, we show the main features of scormPLAYER that enable converting your CMS into an e-Learning platform. API and Webservices for advanced management scormPLAYER offers a robust API that facilitates various operations, from uploading new content to obtaining detailed tracking reports. The provided Webservices, like API_UPLOAD_CONTENT and API_GET_CONTENT_TRACKING, facilitate advanced content management and user tracking. Comprehensive content management One of the strengths of scormPLAYER is its ability to manage the import and playback of various types of e-Learning content. Whether it’s SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, MP4, MP3, or PDF documents, scormPLAYER offers a centralized cloud repository to efficiently store and distribute these contents. Direct integration through iframes The seamless integration of e-Learning content into your CMS is primarily achieved through the use of frames (iframes). An iframe is an HTML element that allows the incorporation of one web page within another. scormPLAYER leverages this technology to integrate its content player directly into a CMS platform. You will only need to generate a link to direct users to the content you want to launch. This link includes the platform codes, the SCORM package, and the content you want to launch, as well as the user identifier. This results in an uninterrupted and cohesive learning experience, as users can access and interact with the learning materials without leaving the familiar interface of their CMS. Detailed tracking and reporting User tracking is an integral part of scormPLAYER. It records detailed information, such as the number of enrolled users, total visits, average time spent, and scores obtained. Furthermore, this data provides a deep insight into user progress and the effectiveness of the content. The generated reports are detailed and can be used to adjust and improve the e-learning content, ensuring that it is effective and engaging for users. Distribution to external platforms A distinctive feature of scormPLAYER is its ability to distribute content stored in the repository to external platforms. By controlling access and licenses, scormPLAYER facilitates collaboration and content sharing beyond the platform itself. Multi-platform and multi-client If you have multiple platforms where you wish to integrate the engine, there’s no problem. You can manage as many platforms as you need from a single instance of scormPLAYER. This facilitates a consistent and effective learning experience, both for the platform administrators and the end users. Access and license management scormPLAYER offers advanced access and license management, allowing content creators and administrators to control how and where their material is used. They can set specific permissions, such as who can view or interact with the content, and under what conditions. This is especially useful for ensuring copyright protection and for offering flexible business models, such as subscriptions or pay-per-access. How does scormPLAYER improve the online learning experience? Enhanced Interactivity: By integrating SCORM content into a CMS, scormPLAYER allows for greater interactivity in courses, including elements like interactive quizzes, simulations, and activities that enhance student engagement. Personalized Learning Tracking: scormPLAYER can track individual students’ progress, providing insights into their performance and allowing for the customization of their learning experience. Accessibility and Flexibility: Being integrated into a CMS, scormPLAYER facilitates access to learning content from any internet-connected device, allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. Compatibility and Standardization: scormPLAYER ensures that the content is compatible with SCORM standards, meaning that learning materials can be easily reused and shared across different platforms and organizations. Improved User Experience: The integration of scormPLAYER into an existing CMS can significantly enhance the user experience by providing a familiar interface and consistent user experience. Analysis and Reports: scormPLAYER can generate detailed analysis and reports on student performance and engagement, helping educators tailor their teaching and materials to better meet their students’ needs. Conclusion In summary, scormPLAYER emerges as a comprehensive solution for transforming your CMS into a potent eLearning platform. From efficient content management to detailed user tracking

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Articles, LMS, SCORM

Integrating scormPROXY into your corporate training strategy

Corporate training is essential for employee development and organizational growth. In an increasingly digital business environment, the integration of efficient technological solutions becomes crucial. One standout solution is scormPROXY (formerly scormNEXT), a platform that offers a “scorm cloud” solution for remote SCORM content delivery. This provides an innovative approach to distributing e-learning courses to external Learning Management Systems (LMS). In this article, we will explore how integrating scormPROXY can enhance your corporate training strategy. The challenge of distributing content to external LMS Organizations managing their own e-learning course catalogs often face the challenge of adapting to the specific needs of clients using their own Learning Management Systems (LMS). The digital delivery of original SCORM content, while essential for flexibility and accessibility, is often a complex process. Common issues include: Ensuring seamless integration between the company’s internal systems and clients’ external LMS platforms. Loss of control over licenses and monitoring content usage. Security and rights management issues, where educational materials may be distributed or used beyond agreed-upon limits. Lack of a centralized system for monitoring and managing licenses, leading to an inconsistent user experience and difficulties in maintaining course updates and revisions. scormPROXY: An innovative solution scormPROXY presents itself as a comprehensive solution to overcome common challenges in remote course distribution through e-learning platforms (LMS). The platform simplifies this process through SCORM connectors, enabling a seamless connection between the company and external LMS platforms. A key feature of scormPROXY is its licensing system, providing precise control over content access and usage duration. This platform secures original SCORM content in the scormNEXT cloud, preventing direct delivery to clients. Moreover, implementing a customized licensing system offers flexibility, allowing companies to adjust settings according to each client’s specific needs. Step-by-step integration process for scormPROXY Integrating scormPROXY into your corporate training strategy opens the door to efficient and secure management of your educational content. Here is a step-by-step process for seamless integration. Step 1. Content upload Import your materials in formats such as SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, XAPI, PDF, or MP4 to the scormPROXY cloud storage. Organize your resources easily by creating folders and subfolders, especially useful when dealing with a variety of content. Step 2. Custom connector creation Configure your virtual course catalog by creating remote SCORM connectors based on the previously uploaded contents. You have the flexibility to generate multiple variants and combinations based on your needs. Step 3. Client registration Register clients with external LMS who wish to access your content. Specify for each client which courses from your catalog they can access. Additionally, set the number of licenses or allowed students and the access duration for each course. Step 4. Connector distribution Provide clients with the remote SCORM connectors generated in step 2 for them to integrate into their LMS platforms as conventional SCORM packages. These connectors do not include your original content but a remote viewer connecting to scormPROXY. Advantages of integrating scormPROXY into your corporate strategy Content protection and control: scormPROXY offers a robust solution for content protection and access control in the cloud. By maintaining original SCORM content on its platform, it prevents unauthorized delivery and ensures the security of your educational materials. Strategic automation with SCORM API: The powerful SCORM API of scormPROXY enables the automation of daily tasks and efficient integration with external systems. This functionality streamlines key processes, from billing to the transfer of analytical data. User experience and technical support: Enjoy a simple and flexible interface on scormPROXY, designed for easy and accessible distribution, eliminating the need for advanced knowledge. Furthermore, fast technical support with responses within 24 hours ensures a positive and hassle-free experience for users. Efficient remote client management: scormPROXY simplifies remote client management by providing personalized access to specific course catalogs. By onboarding your clients with external LMS, you can specify which courses from your catalog each client can access. This customization capability ensures that each client receives relevant content tailored to their needs. Detailed reports and precise user Progress Tracking: These reports offer a comprehensive view of user participation in courses. Detailed information on individual performance allows your organization to assess the impact of training and make informed decisions to improve and adapt strategies based on the specific needs of each client. Conclusion Integrating scormPROXY into your corporate training strategy not only simplifies content distribution to external LMS but also provides precise control over course access and usage. Its intuitive interface, flexibility, efficient technical support, and regulatory compliance make it a suitable choice for companies looking to optimize their digital training approach. Request a free demonstration and discover how scormPROXY can enhance your corporate learning strategy.


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