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Nouveau module de feedback de scormPROXY. Comment ça fonctionne ?

Le nouveau Module de Feedback de scormPROXY vous permet de collecter des informations auprès des utilisateurs finaux (apprenants) qui accèdent à vos contenus : Demandez à l’utilisateur qui accède à vos contenus de fournir son adresse e-mail afin de pouvoir effectuer un suivi plus personnalisé de ces utilisateurs (par exemple, envoyer un certificat de fin de formation personnalisé). Demandez à l’utilisateur qui a complété un contenu de donner son avis sur celui-ci. Vous pouvez demander une note (de 1 à 5), un court commentaire, ou les deux.   Toutes ces informations sont collectées dans scormPROXY et peuvent être consultées via le rapport d’évaluations.   Comment configurer le Module de Feedback ?   Accédez à la section “Clients” et sélectionnez un client dans la liste (cela peut être un client avec LMS, sans LMS ou invité par e-mail).   Pour attribuer des licences à de nouveaux produits pour ce client, cliquez sur le bouton “Ajouter des licences”.     Dans la boîte de dialogue d’ajout de licences, en bas à droite, vous trouverez les paramètres pour le Module de Feedback :     Si vous souhaitez demander l’e-mail de l’utilisateur, sélectionnez l’une des options disponibles dans le menu déroulant “Demander l’e-mail à l’apprenant…”. Cochez la case “Obligatoire” si vous souhaitez forcer l’utilisateur à entrer son e-mail pour continuer. Pour demander une évaluation de l’utilisateur, activez les cases correspondantes sous la section “À la fin du contenu…”.   Pour modifier les paramètres de Feedback pour des licences déjà attribuées, sélectionnez une licence et cliquez sur le bouton “Modifier”. Dans la boîte de dialogue qui s’affiche, vous pourrez ajuster les options de Feedback :     Dans la liste des licences attribuées par client, vous pouvez voir une série d’icônes dans la colonne “Feedback” indiquant les options de Feedback activées (demande d’e-mail, demande d’évaluation et demande de commentaires, respectivement).       Comment consulter les évaluations et commentaires reçus ?   Accédez à la section principale “Rapports”, puis allez au rapport “Évaluations”.   Dans ce rapport, vous pouvez consulter toutes les évaluations reçues pour vos contenus, avec la possibilité de filtrer par période, client ou cours.   Il est également possible d’exporter ce rapport vers Excel pour le partager ou l’archiver.   Combien coûte le Module de Feedback ?   Le plan STANDARD du Module de Feedback de scormPROXY est gratuit et inclus par défaut dans tous les comptes scormPROXY. La seule limitation de ce plan est qu’il permet de recevoir un maximum de 5 000 commentaires des utilisateurs finaux. Si vous souhaitez augmenter cette limite pour recevoir plus de commentaires, vous pouvez opter pour l’un des plans avancés du Module de Feedback :   Plan Limites Tarif STANDARD 5 000 commentaires Gratuit PRO 25 000 commentaires 50€/mois ADVANCED 100 000 commentaires 125€/mois ENTERPRISE 500 000 commentaires 250€/mois


New scormPROXY Feedback Module. How does it work?

The new Feedback Module of scormPROXY allows you to collect information from end users (students) who access your content: Request the user accessing your content to provide their email address to enable more personalized follow-up with those users (e.g., sending a personalized completion certificate). Ask the user who has completed content to provide feedback on it. You can request a rating (from 1 to 5), a brief comment, or both.   All this information is collected in scormPROXY and can be reviewed through the ratings report.   How to configure the Feedback Module?   Go to the “Clients” section and select a client from the list (this could be a client with LMS, without LMS, or invited by email).   To assign licenses for new products to this client, click the “Add licenses” button.     In the license addition dialog, at the bottom right, you will find the settings for the Feedback Module:     If you wish to request the user’s email, select one of the available options in the “Request student email…” dropdown. Enable the “Make mandatory” checkbox if you want to force the user to enter their email to proceed. To request user feedback, enable the corresponding checkboxes under the “Upon content completion…” section.   To modify Feedback settings for already assigned licenses, select a license and click the “Modify” button. In the dialog that appears, you can adjust the Feedback options:     In the list of licenses assigned per client, you can see a series of icons in the “Feedback” column indicating which Feedback options are enabled (request email, request rating, and request comments, respectively).       How to review received ratings and comments?   Go to the main “Reports” section and then navigate to the “Ratings” report.   In this report, you can review all the ratings you’ve received for your content, filtering by time period, client, or course.   You can also export this report to Excel for sharing or archiving purposes.   How much does the Feedback Module cost?   The STANDARD plan of the scormPROXY Feedback Module is free and comes included by default in all scormPROXY accounts. The only limitation of this plan is that it allows receiving a maximum of 5,000 user comments. If you are interested in increasing this limit to receive more feedback, you can opt for one of the advanced Feedback Module plans:   Plan Limits Fee STANDARD 5,000 comments Free PRO 25,000 comments €50/month ADVANCED 100,000 comments €125/month ENTERPRISE 500,000 comments €250/month

Gestión del conocimiento en empresas
Articles, EdTech

Knowledge Management in Businesses: Effective Strategies

Knowledge management is the driving force behind innovation, resilience, and sustainable growth in the business environment. This process is essential to ensure that information flows among employees, is shared efficiently, and contributes to addressing business challenges. In this context, collaboration and knowledge exchange are key elements that facilitate organizational growth and progress. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for knowledge management in businesses. We will highlight key practices ranging from building a continuous learning environment to leveraging innovative technological solutions. These business strategies are designed to boost operational efficiency and foster an organizational culture centered on learning and continuous improvement. What is knowledge management in businesses? Knowledge management in businesses involves the identification, capture, distribution, and efficient utilization of collective wisdom within the organization. This process goes beyond mere data accumulation; it is the creation of an ecosystem where information is collaboratively shared and transformed into a driver for sustainable growth. It is a comprehensive process that aims to optimize decision-making, foster innovation, and promote resilience to changes. Instead of each person having their own set of data, Knowledge Management ensures that everyone is on the same page. Why is this so important? Because when everyone shares what they know, the company can be more efficient, creative, and capable of adapting to rapid changes. Best practices for knowledge management in businesses Now that you know what knowledge management in businesses is, we must ask another important question: How do we transform information into a valuable asset? This is where some practices for Knowledge Management come into play. Build a continuous learning environment Promoting a culture of learning is essential for business development. When each team member adopts the role of a constant learner, innovation thrives. This way, knowledge management becomes a collaborative path toward continuous improvement. Implement innovative technological solutions It’s not just about accumulating information but doing so intelligently. Implementing innovative technological solutions facilitates access to information and transforms how we use it. It’s like giving the company digital superpowers to face challenges and stand out in an increasingly competitive environment. La integration of edtech tools in the knowledge management process accelerates the capture and distribution of information, while simultaneously transforming how employees access and apply their knowledge. For example, at WelcomeNext, we help companies implement, improve, or update their online training strategy using various technological solutions, such as the WelcomeLMS platform. By choosing WelcomeLMS, companies gain a modern, user-centered interface, tools that facilitate efficient access to information, and advanced features such as gamification and certification. These tools enable companies to excel in an ever-competitive business environment by fostering an organizational culture focused on learning and continuous improvement. Capture and document implicit knowledge Implicit knowledge, unlike information documented in manuals, encompasses the experiences and skills that team members have acquired throughout their careers. This type of knowledge is invaluable as it is based on daily practice and an intuitive understanding of job complexities. Learning to identify and document these experiences enriches the company’s knowledge base and strengthens collaboration among team members. Establish an intelligent organizational system An intelligent organizational system facilitates the search and use of knowledge when it is most needed. Ensure that every document, resource, or specific knowledge in your company has its precise location, clearly labeled and easily accessible to all team members. This not only saves time by eliminating unnecessary searching but also optimizes decision-making by ensuring that relevant information is within reach of everyone. Promote collaboration between departments When different departments work together, magic happens. Knowledge Management thrives on collaboration between areas, breaking down barriers and generating new ideas. It’s like a well-coordinated team playing in harmony to achieve business success. Encourage active employee participation When all employees are involved, knowledge flows. Encouraging active participation not only strengthens the workplace community but also enriches the company’s knowledge bank. Each employee, by sharing their knowledge and experiences, contributes to the collective wealth of wisdom. Use analytics to measure impact How do we know if we are on the right track? The answer lies in analytics. Using analytical tools allows us to measure the impact of our knowledge management strategies, providing concrete data for informed decision-making and continuous improvement. For example, Google Analytics can provide detailed information on how employees interact with online learning platforms. This includes data on the time spent on the platform, the most visited pages, and how they navigate through the content. Conclusion In conclusion, effective knowledge management in businesses is not just a practice but a philosophy that drives growth and innovation. From creating a culture of learning to implementing innovative technological solutions, each business strategy contributes to turning information into a valuable asset. Fostering collaboration, capturing implicit knowledge, and establishing intelligent organizational systems are key practices that strengthen the business fabric. As a result, knowledge management becomes the driving force that distinguishes leading companies, creating a path toward continuous success in a dynamic business environment.


Complejo Empresarial ATICA
Edificio 5, 2ª Planta
Avenida de Europa 26
28224 – Pozuelo de Alarcón
Madrid – ESPAÑA

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Complejo Empresarial ATICA
Edificio 5, 2ª Planta
Avenida de Europa 26
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Madrid – ESPAÑA
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